Saturday, 16 April 2011

D is for desperate

Never before in my life have I experienced such levels of desperation before. Now, having lived in Southampton, a small city (that's more like a town, really) which has been taken over by a large community of students, it has got to the point now where, quite frankly, I am shocked. 

On my initial arrival, yes, I was pretty disgusted by the fact that a sign of a good night out for most people around here is getting so drunk they can't see, meeting Mr Perfect (he wants it too, hooray) going back to their place, being sick, having sex, and being sick again. 

Dancing in a club with your friends is one thing, seeing people in clubs sticking their tongues down eachother's throats - yep, I can deal with that. 

But what I cannot deal with is this: a young woman dancing with a arrogant cockerel-resembling young man, he pushes her, she almost falls over, he laughs with his mates and gives her dirty looks, she gets up, brushes herself off, rearranges her hair, and then re-approaches the cockerel, dancing up on him once again whilst him and his self righteous mates laugh.

After all that women have fought for in the past, this is a let down to the female sex! I am aware that an increasing amount of women are slowly mutating into men, but letting a guy disrespect you like that - allowing him to behave this way (and probably continue doing so) - makes me feel sick to the stomach!

We've all watched The Jeremy Kyle Show, Maury or Jerry Springer. We all know that hilariously ridiculous situations do happen all the time - and it's just crazy! What's more to say but simply that "I pity you" and "please, please, at least use a condom"?

Friday, 15 April 2011

Everything that is wrong with society
When idiocy strikes, there's nothing stronger than Cilit Bang's new logic addition. These germs tend to be created by one sole master germ, or in other words 'the shit stirrer'. The shit stirrer's aim is to infect others with their own false views and constantly inject other - once friendly - germs to the same state of idiocy as that of their own.  

With the joining forces of the shit stirrer with fellow germs in tow, those fellow germs mutate into newly established shit stirrers, feeding off the shit stirrings of the main shit stirrer - and once elite shit stirrer status is accomplished, they have the ability to feast among fellow shit stirrers and create even more SHIT STIRRERS. Once infected, shit stirrers rarely revert back to their once 'friendly germ' state - and need severe chemicals to be eradicated.

Singles Reviews
Cheryl Cole Promise This (Polydor). Cheryl Cole may have just about passed as a ‘singer’ with her last two singles ‘parachute’ and ‘fight for this love’, but a good choice of song won’t save her this time. The new single resembles hard house and arouses a vision of dancing French chipmunks on speed; not the ‘Oopsy Daisey’ singing Chipmunk that we’ve all grown to love, but the little critters that you find up a tree.

Enrique Iglesias `Heartbeat feat. Nicole Scherzinger (Polydor). While expectations are low for the over emotional, whiney Spaniard that is Enrique Iglesias – nothing has been done to change this perception of him quite yet. Likewise, Nicole Scherzinger fails to broaden her imagination. With her token breathless, orgasmic singing that could have been taken from an R-rated movie – she’s not a hit herself. 

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Trick of the mind

This may seem a silly question to some but, have you ever had a circumstance where you just think 'that's better off forgotten'? If you have, I can assure you that you ARE NOT alone. 

The mind is a wonderful place. It controls our moods number one; and without happiness - well, why live to be quite honest? 

It's also a fantastic place where I have recently discovered it's possible to actually alter what's kept in there and what goes out - similarly to an intelligent waste management system that I wish somebody could invent (I'm sick of all this 5000 recycling bin nonsense, but anyway). 

The mind is such a beautiful little (or big, maybe?!) thing, when something bad happens. I can whip the memories out of my brain in a shot. But then again, when something needs to be done, such as work or... more work, my mind does not work in my favour. 

Instead, it decides that it shall remove all thoughts of the hilarious abundance of work I've got right in front of my face. Now, of course I would rather been carrying out daily activities on my own accord - but when 'mind' decides it's got better things to think about (like chocolate) then off it goes.

Message to mind:
Please, please, make me do my work and make that work put a smile on my face, - whilst I'm doing it that is, not just afterwards... 

Now that, my friends, is something that I have yet to train my mind.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

In fashion we trust

In a world full of fashionistas - where fashion following is part of some of our every day lives - we have to question, why? Why do we follow fashion?
After all that fashion has done to us - it's dressed us in some really ridiculous things in the past, it's told us that that orange was a good colour, that khaki combat trousers were cool. Seriously.

I for one spend many of my days scouring the Internet for the latest figure hugging dress, the push up bra, the bag thats suit the colour of my hair clip perfectly. We spend, we wear out, we spend again - all for one purpose - it makes us feel good! 

Fashion is a therapy. In the darkest of days the best thing a girl can possibly do is nip out to the nearest shop and buy THAT item. Even if it's just a pair of black flats (almost identical to ones we picked up last week) that item is just essential. It's a must have it situation.

Fashion is a luxury. Whether we like it or not, we will always buy into it. Keeping that pretty dress - that perfects our wardrobes but not our figure - for life, is our way of life. 

You could say it's a waste to our poor purses, the bank balances that we refuse to look at (because it's just too depressing) but it can brighten our days.

A personal recommendation from moi:

One of the best times for indulging in fashion is when you get ill. Those sick days no longer seem so drab, when you realise that you're saving money from not going out. You just know that as soon as you're better again, you'll have that extra wad of cash to splash! 

Jealousy in relationships

Jealousy is a big thing in relationships - but why? If you love someone - does that not mean that you trust them? Or maybe 'love' is just a word to describe a form of obsession for another person.
So what is jelousy? Well, according to, jealousy is;

jealous resentment against a rival, a person enjoying success or advantage, etc., or against another's success or advantage inteself.
mental uneasiness from suspicion or fear of rivalry, unfaithfulness, etc., as in love or aims.
vigilance in maintaining or guarding something.
a jelous feeling, disposition, state, or mood. 

This weekend I visited some friends for a chilled day in Hyde Park. I receive a phone call. It's Liz. She needs to meet up "like NOW," as something really bad has happened - and by the tone in her voice, it wasn't just a tiff.

Now, it's important to note this is Liz; a best friend from school who has pretty much seen me go from an innocent little girl, to a crazy teenage rebel and to who I am now. She probably knows more about me than I do, and I certainly feel the same about her the other way round.

One thing I've learnt from Liz throughout the years is that when she falls, she doesn't just graze her elbows. She breaks all of the bones in her body.

I have no doubt that Liz and her boyfriend, Cian, are in love. If you ever met them, you would soon find out. It's hard to miss the constant smooching, the screeching of 'cuuuuddllleeeeess' and the never ending loving gazes.

So the fact that they had a fight is not an every day occurrence, unlike some couples.

It turns out it's all to do with jealousy. That one element in many relationships that seems to arise for absolutely no reason - other than through pure love for someone.

But why is it that jealousy is one of the biggest destroyers of love? Why is it that in the most loving of relationships the trust issues are always there. Also, why do people who are so in love with another person cheat on them?

Some say that if you cheat you don't love someone. In reality, do people cheat because they don't love the person, or because they're insecure themselves? And cheating reiterates in their minds that they are wanted...

After all, being wanted is a big thing for some people. I say some people, but really - it goes for us all. If you disagree, then you're a liar. Obviously some more than others, however.

We all want to fit in somewhere. We are all in some ways jealous - we wouldn't pass off that perfect celeb figure if we were offered it now, would we?

But does jealousy set people up for disaster? If you're a particularly jealous person, that means you're insecure. If you're insecure - does this mean that you'll never be properly in love?

At my Dad's 50th birthday party, I spoke to a very drunk Mr Bailey, a childhood friend of his. Drunk ramblings of having to love yourself before being able to love another person came up in conversation. It went something like this: "You have to have ME LOVE before you can have I LOVE," repeated probably about a gazillion times.

At the time, all I could do was sit, smile, nod and pity his 'stupid' words (or so I thought at the time). But when reality hits - maybe he was right?

Let me know your thoughts :)

Dancing in a field

The weather has been showing signs of summer - and this is the perfect song to help you imagine all the fun, festivities and frolicks that the bright sunny summer season has yet to bring. If there were ever a song that embraced the 'dancing in a field' vibe, then this is it. When I first heard it, I stood up in my messy room - cigarette in hand - with my eyes shut and just pictured it. Beautiful. Bring on festival season!

Correspondents Live Review

Benji Sowter
Special thanks to Lloyd Scott Parker for publishing my live review of The Correspondents on the Anarchy Blogzine! 
Here's the link:

Live Thin Die Young

In the world of fashion, the toothpick figure is the new hourglass – yet the effects of not eating properly can have fatal consequences. Jasmin Andrade reveals the truth.

We all enjoy the frolics and frills of exquisite restaurants - they act as a fabulous excuse to flaunt our beautifully crafted LBDs, teamed with towering Louboutin heels. Modern days do, evidently, call for modern ways - and what was once a place to indulge in the finest and richest foods has evolved. Top city haunts are now exclusively there for the purpose of fulfilling our burning desire to see our favourite fellow bourgeois - and most importantly, to be seen ourselves.

However, many of us have turned a blind eye to the detrimental effects that wrong attitudes towards food have on our bodies, as well as our mental wellbeing.
Alex Shabo, who is currently battling with anorexia, explains that:
‘Women’s bodies have become material objects, and both men and women have begun to treat them as such. Self-awareness can be lost beneath overwhelming, restrictive societal values and attitudes – which can lead to a distorted image of body, loss of self, and eating disorders’1

According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation’s data, there are 11 million undernourished people in the world living in developed countries2. Experts believe that there are 3 million people suffering from malnutrition among us in the UK3. Now is the time to act.

Whilst living a fashion-led lifestyle is inspiring, extravagant and exciting, consider the darker side. Beautiful models, including Luisel Ramos, have died from malnutrition. Despite this, fashion Gods and Goddess’ such as Vivienne Westwood – who is due to celebrate her 70th birthday this coming April – are living fashion to its maximum potential. Now it’s our turn to follow her marvellous example.

Make up is a divine pleasure, an art - and with different techniques, never fails to complete each season’s look. Nevertheless, we must now strip away the array of elegant make-up from our faces, and consider whether our fashion towards food faces up to our bodily requirements. We must ensure that we maintain our natural, healthy beauty – even until that dreaded day when the dearest make-up no longer perfects our flaws.

Heroin chic may be an iconic look, but in reality, pale and unhealthy skin tone shows that you’re eating unhealthily. Other signs include fatigue, lethargy, memory and thought problems, depression, mood swings, weight fluctuations and loss of appetite4.

Although overeating and obesity are recognised problems, the effects of under eating and malnutrition don’t receive the attention they deserve. If a happy, healthy life is what you desire, start recognising Guideline Daily Allowances (GDAs) as not merely a limitation. Stick to GDAs properly.

The Confederation of the Food and Drink Industries of the EU (aka, the CIAA) state that there are five key nutrients that our bodies need. These are; calories, sugars, carbohydrates, and yes, the dreaded fats and saturates that are so wrongly misunderstood as fashion suicide. Together, we must start eating properly.

Contrary to popular opinion, calories aren’t unnecessary, cursed fiends. They are, in fact, essential to allowing your daily activities and fashion-following festivities to take place. Consume an average of 2000 calories per day for women and 2500 for men, to keep your energy levels high. Insufficient consumption of calories can put you in a bad mood and cause exhaustion. For that, there is simply no need.

Fats, on the other hand, are like the vintage Chanel handbag that your mother had kept since you were a child. For years, you thought it was an utterly hideous item of apparel - never dreaming that it would end up an essential item of your wardrobe. Condemned for far too long, the vital role fat plays in your body has simply been forgotten. Start appreciating fat again - in the same way that you can appreciate the beauty of out-dated fashion.

Nutritionist Donna Watmough says that consuming a moderate amount of fat is vital to the maintenance of your body, and to the absorption and use of fat soluble vitamins. Additionally, it waterproofs and insulates the body, builds membranes to our cells, and is the major constituent of many hormones5.

Some fats also benefit your body by actively lowering cholesterol in your blood – therefore reducing your risk of acquiring heart disease – joy! Delight in monounsaturated fats, found in foods such as olive oil, seeds, avocados and nuts; as well as polyunsaturated fats, found in walnuts and delicious fish, such as salmon and mackerel. Devouring fish could also reduce your risk of bowel cancer6.

What pleasure to be able to enjoy fat guilt-free, wouldn’t you agree? Especially when knowing that insufficient consumption of fat decreases your metabolic rate - causing faster release of sugars into your blood and reducing the production of hormones7.

In the past, carbohydrates have been avoided by models such as Adriana Lima. However, nutritionist Donna Watmough explains that: ‘Like all food, carbohydrate can make you fat if you eat too much of it! However, [...] our central nervous system, brain, liver, kidneys and muscles (including the heart) cannot function without glucose - and glucose is only found in carbohydrates.
‘People who do not eat enough carbohydrate (for example, people following the Atkins Diet) can suffer hallucinations, liver and kidney damage, and other health consequences’8.

To get the best out of carbohydrates, swap ‘white’ varieties for whole-grain; this can lower your risk of heart disease by 33%9. Whole-grains can also reduce the risk of bowel cancer by at least 25%, due to their fibre-rich qualities. 10

Fruit and vegetables are the cuisine of choice for many beautiful women worldwide – as we are all too aware. Indeed, the benefits are plenty. Eating five portions a day can reduce your risk of stroke and heart disease by 30% lower cholesterol, and enhance your immune system11. It could also reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases.12

However, do not rely on fruit and vegetables as your only nutritional source. Endlessly consuming water based foods will not give you enough of the nutrients that your body needs. This will prevent essential processes in your body from taking place, and leave you with limited energy. A healthy, balanced diet is vital.

Whilst you may have already mastered this season’s key looks, mastering healthy eating will complete you. By properly nourishing your body, you will nurture your mind - allowing your inner, as well as outer beauty to flourish for longer.


References:1 drrobyn, 2008).

2(David A. Bender, 2007)

3(BBC, 2009).

4 (Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen, 2009)
5(Watmough, D. 2008)
6(Cancerresearchuk, 2011).
7(Chris Strogilis, 2010)
8(Watmough, W. 2008
9(thehealthyeatingguide, 2011).
10(cancerresearchuk, 2011).
11 (thehealthyeatingguide, 2011
12(CDC, 2011).
DRROBYN. (2008). Eating Disorders Revealed: Interview with High Schoolers Who Used Their Challenges to Inspire Others. Available: Last accessed 1st March 2011.
A. Bender, David (2007). Introduction to Nutrition and Metabolism. 4th ed. USA and Canada: CRS Press. p230.
Anon. (2009). Malnutrition affecting '3m in UK'. Available: Last accessed 1st March 2011.
Anon. (2011). Malnutrition affecting '3m in UK'. Available: Last accessed 1st March 2011.
Pawlik-Kienlen, Laurie. (2009). 6 Signs You’re Not Eating Right for Your Body Type. Available: Last accessed 1st March 2011.
Donna Watmough. (2008). Why Do We Need Fat and How Much Should We Eat? Read more at Suite101: Why Do We Need Fat and How Much Should We Eat?: The Role of Lipids, HDL and LDL and Ways to Lower Cholesterol Levels . Available: Last accessed 1st March 2011.
Anon. (2011). Diet and cancer - different foods and nutrients. Available: Last accessed 1st March 2011.
Chris Strogilis. (2010). The Importance Of Fats For Our Nutrition.Available: Last accessed 1st March 2011.
Donna Watmough. (2008). Do Carbohydrates Make You Fat? Can Eating Carbs Lead to Weight-gain?. Available: Last accessed 1st March 2011.
Anon. (2011). Healthy Eating Statistics - America's Obesity Crisis. Available: Last accessed 1st March 2011.
Anon. (2011). Fruits and Vegetables. Available: Last accessed 1st March 2011.
Anon. (2011). Rationale for the proposed CIAA GDA reference values. Available: Last accessed 1st March 2011.