STEP 1. Remember your priority: Happiness!
As much as making that next career decision might bog you down and seem the like most important thing in your world - it isn't. Your priority must always be happiness. Happiness is the key to... a happy life! Wouldn't have guessed that now, would we?
Sometimes it's easy to forget that life doesn't end when you're stressed, when your boyfriend breaks up with you, a family member dies, when your cup of coffee turns cold...
Life goes on.
And whilst the bad times can really suck, the good times are really great. Without both, how do you even know when you're happy and when your sad?
Ultimately, the worse the bad times, the more you appreciate the good. Never underestimate how much happiness you can get from the smallest most insignificant thing - even just a friendly smile from a passer by on the street.
Embrace that moment and remember not to take life too seriously. You don't have to have been bought a lambourgini to be happy. Pleasure is pleasure.
I believe that ultimately, your own life is in your hands and it really is only ourselves that can control our happiness. Let yourself be happy!
STEP 2. Invest in your friends
No matter how many friends you have, from 5 to 5000, a person will only ever truly have a small selection of close friends. Those who you make you feel good about yourself, acknowledge your problems, will make an effort to fit around your tight budget, don't cancel on you, and go out of their way to make sure that you're OK.
And to keep these good friends, you must also reciprocate.
It's incredible the difference that a good friend can have on your life. No matter how tired you are, how much you don't feel like socialising, it's your good friends that will bring comfort to you in the worst of times.
STEP 3. Acknowledge you have problems
Every human being has problems. Even that tall skinny 'bitch' whose facebook pics are packed full of photos of amazing adventures and flawless skimpy bikini snaps.
If you don't have problems, you're a freak. Your life must be packed with unhappiness because that's just not normal.
I think it's incredibly important to admit that you have faults. I, for example, have this massive issue when I want something so bad. I'll do anything to get it, and almost always I ruin things for myself. I get so damn nervous trying to be 'right', I end up totally wrong.
That's one of my faults... It takes me a long time to get fully comfortable with someone. I'm far too self aware.
Because of this, I always think to myself GOD Jasmin, will you not just be yourself! I know if I just chillaxed my ass down I could ace every opportunity I get! Or at least do my best and be satisfied with the attempt...
But that's just the way it is. That's who I am. I'm not going to pretend I'm not like this.
This is me, everyone! I suck sometimes. Poo.
But I love me really. You have to love yourself - otherwise you're not living life properly. Don't get me wrong and think you're God's gift to the world! But you do need a sense of 'me love' or you'll never be happy!
STEP 4. The above image says it all...
Never ever ever ever stop yourself from doing what you love most. Even when you've got piles of work on your shoulders, at least take a 10 minute phone call out to your best friend and talk shite. It's definitely necessary!
STEP 5. Do stuff you wouldn't normally do
It's sometimes nice to stick within your own little bubble; same coffee every morning, same pub every Friday night, same hairstyle, same holiday location every year.
I'm constantly pushing myself to do things outside of my comfort zone. I practically force myself to do stuff. But it's these times of immense anxiety and the overcoming of it which makes you a better person.
... And one last thing: DON'T GIVE UP!
When things go wrong as they sometimes do...
When the road your trudging seems all uphill...
When the funds are low and the debts are high...
And you want to smile but you have to sigh...
When care is pressing you down a bit...
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit...
Life is queer with its twists and turns...
As every one of us sometimes learns...
It may be near when it seems so far...
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit...
It's when things seem worst you must not quit.
Got any tips for me?!
Let me know in the comments below :)
Got any tips for me?!
Let me know in the comments below :)